8 Dec 2009

Martin Margiela

For a Design module at University we were asked to research into a designer that is considered avant-garde. We were put into groups and allocated a designer to research, our designer was Martin Margiela. Before this project I had heard of him but never really knew much about him as a designer, then after researching neither did most of the world considering he is known as the anonymous designer. I found this really intriguing. He is considered 'the designers designer' as other designers look to him for inspiration as he is ahead of the fashion pack. Within the fashion community he is well known for bringing back the shoulder pads in 2006, people thought it was strange, but just look at them now, shoulder pads are everywhere!
From researching into the Martin Margiela brand we then had to create a customer profile. Once the research was complete the next step was to look into trends, because Margiela doesn't follow trends this journal was quite difficult to start with however we made it our own by taking inspiration from trend prediction websites such as wgsn.com and trendstop and researching more into the areas of our choice therefore making our own trend.
I was then asked to design a collection for Martin Margiela taking inspiration from the moodboard and research. These are some images from my design journal, my final illustrations and my final flat boards.
We handed everything in today so basically fingers crossed for a good mark!

2 Dec 2009

Nicest Thing

I am really into dancing and I have been doing it since the age of 3. I think of it as another way of expressing my creativity.
I came accross this video on YouTube and fell in love with it, this song 'Nicest Thing' by Kate Nash is one of my faves.
I hope you like this as much as I do. Enjoy.
